Wednesday, February 20, 2008


The picture painted by the media of 'Christianity' isn't very accurate. We need to keep in mind that most of the things we see in the news are usually the worst extremes and not the 'norm'. There are 'worst extremes' in every group of people, but they rarely represent the majority. For example, there are people who want God abolished from the country... there are very few of them, but they shout the loudest... get the most attention... and are, unfortunately, getting their way.

What you see:

Ignorance – Hatred – Bigotry – Intolerance – Superiority – Judgment – Cruelty

Examples: 'Christians' marching with hateful signs, nutcases killing people, interviews with obscure 'experts' instead of true experts on any given subject, fanatics who yell or shout, statements or subject matter taken out of context to make it look fanatical, etc. People who spew hate instead of the love and mercy that Christ gave us and told us to share.

This type of 'news' definitely gets better ratings, but does not give a true representation of people who follow Christ.

What Christianity really is but is rarely portrayed in the media:

Love – Joy – Peace – Kindness – Gentleness – Humility – Self Control

Examples: People helping others, people and organizations caring for widows - orphans - and anyone else who has a need, people praying instead of protesting, victims who forgive instead of seeking vengeance, knowledgeable people who state facts and humbly admit that we don't know everything, people loving and encouraging instead of condemning. People who gently point out sinful behavior and the fact that it will cause harm, admitting that they struggle with sin too, instead of berating and acting like they don't ever sin.

Not the stuff that will draw in the big ratings, but a much more accurate portrait of our dismal attempts to 'be like Jesus.'

Of course there are all kinds of 'Christians', in all kinds of churches, at all different phases of learning, and at all different stages misdirection by their leaders. This makes for a very confusing picture of what Christianity should be. If you want the 'real deal'… take a good look at Jesus Christ.

"...Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father." Jesus in John 14:9

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