Thursday, May 29, 2008


This weekend was a time to remember all those who have made sacrifices for freedom. It also started out as a weekend of frustration and disappointment for me. Fortunately, the tough things in my life are helping me learn to see others the way my God sees me. Whenever someone hurts me or makes things very difficult for me, I have to remember to put on 'rose colored glasses' and see them through the lenses of mercy and forgiveness. Sometimes it is hard because being hurt is no fun and wasting my time and money on empty missions can be very frustrating and expensive. It makes it even harder when I have to come home and tell my son he's been let down again. If it weren't for knowing that Christ gave his life because of his love and mercy toward me, I would be very hurt and angry. Instead, I choose to remember that time and time again, I have hurt others and ultimately my God, and that I have been forgiven. That makes it my responsibility to extend that forgiveness to others. In the end, it is the best thing for me as well. I don't have to carry around the huge burden unforgiveness lays on my shoulders. I can drop the pain, anger, bitterness or whatever else I may be feeling. I can drop it at Jesus feet and leave it there. I can choose not to pick it up again... and if I forget... I can take it back to him any time I want to. This is ultimate freedom. This was the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom of anyone who chooses to take it.

John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

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