Monday, July 28, 2008

A Safe Place

Sometimes the place we should feel safest can seem to be the most hostile. Sometimes the people who should love us judge and condemn us. Sometimes they do it without knowing anything about us. Sometimes anxieties, weaknesses and fears are projected onto us in various ways… anger, hostility, exclusion. Sometimes life just plain sucks because of these misunderstandings. Sometimes I am the object of these issues and sometimes I am the cause.

I know a place where I am always safe, always loved and never misunderstood. In Jesus I find acceptance and grace and I am known to the deepest core of my being. My motives and actions are known and not presupposed. With him, I can see my own motivation more clearly. I learn how to better handle it when I am the object of a misunderstanding, and I learn more and more how NOT to be the cause of the misunderstanding. I learn that being defensive is unproductive and that continuing to love is the only answer. I learn that if I can't overcome these stumbling blocks I may miss out on something much greater.

I love this place… I think I'll stay here… right where God wants me.

Proverbs 29:25 The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.

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