Monday, February 22, 2010

Can’t Stand the Pain

This world is full of trouble. One thing is sure, we cannot avoid it. Eventually it will creep up on everyone and we never know what form it will take… health problems, finances, loss of loved ones… the list is endless. We can take all the precautions in the world and still, trouble will find us. When trouble comes our way, it’s usually painful… sometimes it is so painful no one on this earth can help.

My sister is living through this. The loss of her son has shaken her to the very core of her being. Pain is a constant companion. There are times when it eases some, but then overwhelms her again. It affects everything she experiences… magnifying things somehow. She hangs on to the hope she has in Christ and does her best to keep her eyes on him, but it is hard. I can’t stand it. All I can do is pray, and although I trust that there is great power in that, I wish I could do more. I want to help, but I know there is really nothing I can do or say that is going to ease her pain. It distresses me and my heart cries out for help as she mourns and cries out in grief.

I take comfort that those cries are heard. I believe they are not only heard, but the only One who CAN help is at work. I’m thankful for that… and thankful that my sister trusts in him too… even in her pain.

Romans 8:26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.

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