Monday, March 22, 2010

Another shopping incident...

We frequent the local big box store for things like dog food and water. One day we were leaving, loaded down with six cases of drinking water and who knows what else. The cart was extremely heavy. We were headed out the EXIT DOOR. I emphasize EXIT DOOR for reasons that are about to become very clear to you. Remember, this cart is VERY HEAVY. There are two sets of EXIT DOORS... you know, to keep the cold air from coming in the store. Between these two sets of doors, there is a downhill slope. Just as we got through the first set of doors and the cart was headed down... people began ENTERING through the second set of EXIT DOORS. It took everything I had to hold the cart back and keep it from rolling forward and crushing the stream of people coming in the wrong doors. My daughter was there as I was expressing my exasperation about the situation... here’s how it went:

Me: Okay! I’ll just wait here, while you all come IN the OUT door... if you only knew how heavy this is. No problem! I’ll just keep holding back this two ton cart to keep it from crushing you! If you only knew how hard I am working here to save your lives! (All of this muttered under my breath with a tone of frustration and exasperation as my eyes bulged and my veins popped under the strain of holding back that cart... and yes, I do have a bad habit of exaggerating AND talking to myself).

Alex: Just let it go.

Me: (Laughing so hard I almost did) Should I? OH! You mean let go of my frustration! Don’t you? Or are you talking about the cart?

By now, we are out the door and Alex told me that she meant the cart (but not really). We laughed all the way to the truck about the weird play on words.

It’s funny how we can be totally oblivious to what someone has done for us. Can we possibly know many times have we almost caused an accident or other disaster when we are not even aware of it... and how many times the actions of another may have saved us from trouble, harm or even death?

There are people going through their lives every day... totally oblivious to what God has done for them. We are all headed for disaster... the consequences of our actions are serious... causing death of the spirit that lives in all of us. I’m so thankful for the one who is holding back the giant rolling cart for me... and for you.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.

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