Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Better Question…

Some would ask… why?

If God is so good, why did he create us with so many faults, problems… even downright evil?

When I think it through, I have to ask what if… what if he created us with the inability to choose right from wrong… good from bad? If we could only make right decisions, would we be what we are? Wouldn’t we be more like puppets on a string? Or robots programmed to do just what our creator wanted? Or would he be like a bad parent, making every decision and controlling us to the point that we never find out who we really are? If that were the case, would we ever know love, joy and peace without hate, sorrow and turmoil? Would we know what it’s like to be free? When I really consider it, I think of a better question.

A better question would be… why?

Why did he give us a choice… and what shows greater love?

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