Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Will I Ever Learn?

When we lived in Colorado, we were out hiking one day and stopped to have a picnic lunch by a river. This river was always swift, but it was in the spring, and the runoff from the mountains had turned it into a violent, raging mass of water. My two oldest boys, Justin 16, and Travis 12, had my sister's air mattress out of her truck and were talking about putting it in the river. I remember telling them that it wasn't a good idea, that they had no clue about the power of that water and how it could sweep them away in no time, not to mention how cold it was.

The next thing I knew, they had gone down to the edge and launched the queen sized air mattress into the water. The raft started down the river with the two of them on it. I know they could feel the power of the river and immediately realized their mistake because of the look of sheer terror on their faces. Justin grabbed a low hanging tree branch to try to stop the raft. He was trying to keep the raft under him with his feet and legs but it was useless. It continued down the river with Travis on it and Justin was left hanging by the branch in the middle of the river. I shouted directions to him from the bank (let go… feet first… hands behind your head) as we tried to follow Travis down the river. The growth along the bank was thick and we weren't moving fast enough. Travis and the raft disappeared around the bend.

As I turned back, I saw that Justin had let go of the branch. I kept yelling instructions to him from the bank, but I doubt that he could hear anything with the roar of the water. He couldn't even stand up because the current was so strong. Incredibly, he made his way to the opposite bank before he had gone out of sight. I had no idea what to do about Travis. I was terrified for him, but there was nothing I could do but pray. I ran back up the river and across the bridge to make sure Justin was okay and see if there were any phones or people in the parking area over there. I felt so helpless. The feeling of dread and thoughts of all the things that could happen to Travis were overwhelming. They were soon relieved as I saw him on the other side of the river, coming up through the brush. Somehow, he also had made it out alive.

I am so thankful the outcome wasn't worse that day and that we can look back on it and laugh. I think maybe both boys learned a valuable lesson... a lesson we all need to learn over and over again. It's funny how we refuse to listen to those who love us the most… those who always have our best interests in mind and only want to keep us from harm. I am a grown woman and still have trouble with it. I refuse to listen to my husband or even God sometimes. I know I can trust them both yet, at times, I refuse to listen. I should know better by now. Will I ever learn?

Proverbs 1:5 let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance


Stacy from Louisville said...

I just saw the comment you left on my site about the SFL hell house. I would love, love, love it if you would elaborate. If you have time I think it would be pretty darn funny!

I like your pic for your profile. Creative and interesting.


sundog said...

Okay... I did it. Check it out.