Thursday, March 27, 2008


Loving and being loved by my children makes me want to…

teach them to have fun and be who they are
share in their triumph, fear, joy and heartache
firmly but gently discipline when they make mistakes
see them grow up into men and women
know all about them

So I will… be a better mom

Loving and being loved by my husband makes me want to…

take part in his hobbies and interests
share his thoughts and dreams
forgive him whenever he does something wrong
encourage him in all he does
know everything about him

So I will… be a better wife

Loving and being loved by my God makes me want to…

learn every thing I can about him
be honest with him about my hopes and fears
talk to him when I make mistakes
trust him and be more like him
know him more every day of my life

So I will… be a better person

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Dishonesty, Betrayal, Brokenness, Estrangement, Death

The events of the last week and a half have caused me to see some things I don’t normally think so much about.

I see the effects of a father’s love withheld and realize how fortunate I am to have the love of the Father who will never fail me. I know my own father loves me, but not at all the way I have wanted or needed him to. I am grateful that I can love him regardless of that. I’m thankful to realize that I cannot control what others do, only how I react to what they do. I think about how important it is that all children have the love of a mother and father if at all possible. I am so thankful that with or without it, we have a God who loves us and can fill any void.

I see the effect of dishonesty and betrayal and realize how blessed I am to know that God is the one who makes honest, faithful men and women out of any of us. I am thankful that some who don’t yet know God through his Son, still listen to the Spirit he has given us to guide us. I am thankful that he has shown me forgiveness for my past and because of that I am able to forgive and extend mercy to those who hurt me. I am thankful that because of God’s love for me, I was finally able to recognize someone who is honest and faithful. I am so grateful that even when people do let us down or die, the God I love will carry us through anything as we rely upon him.

Death is the final equalizer. How often do we wait until it’s come around to rethink things? Why do we wait to forgive until it’s too late? How many of us will put off even considering Jesus at all until the very end, when he has the fullness of life ready and waiting for us right now?

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Heartbreak and Hope

It’s a tough thing to watch your children go through painful experiences. It’s heartbreaking to see them suffer. It’s frustrating not to be able to fix it. But… it is a blessing to be able to be there for them. It is a blessing that even when you don’t know the right words to say or things to do… that just your presence can be a small comfort. It’s amazing and inspiring to see them handle things with self control and maturity beyond their years… far better than I ever handled anything at that age. It’s a comfort to know that they can trust you and talk to you about anything. It’s wonderful to see glimmers of hope in spite of dark turmoil all around. It fills me with peace, joy and hope to know that God will use even these terrible things for good.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Time is measured by days, weeks or years from one point to another and is calculated by how long it takes for the earth to make a revolution or to complete an orbit around the sun. Time appears to be infinite, but the time we have in this plane of existence definitely is not. No one knows how long it is, but there are a set number of days or years for each of us.

God is not confined by time. For him, a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day. Time doesn’t matter to him… it doesn’t figure into the equation... and it has little effect on anything in his realm.

Can you imagine? He actually knows what has happened, is happening and will happen. We spend a good majority of our lives concerned with all of this, but God already knows. If time were a line, we are at a point somewhere on that line. The line measures infinitely in front and behind us. We can only see so far behind us and we can only guess at what lies in front of us. God is somewhere outside of this line. He is somewhere so far above it that he can see it in its entirety. In some freaky, otherworldly way, he knows what we will do even before we do it... he knows what will happen before it happens... he could control anything that happens... but in his wisdom and sovereignty chooses not to. Instead, he promises to use it all for our benefit.

Does this mean that our decisions and choices no longer matter? Does this mean that everything is pre-determined? Does this mean we should coast along not worrying about anything because it’s all worked out anyway? That is crazy thinking. Just because God knows how it’s all going to come out does not absolve us of any responsibility for our own actions and decisions. What kind of life would that be? Does it matter that he already knows? The fact that he already knows makes me wonder why on earth he loves me anyway… in spite of all the bad choices and mistakes I’ve made. Knowing that he loves me anyway makes me want to make more good decisions and fewer of the bad.

In the end, there is one decision that matters more than any other… the decision of what to do with his Son... to accept him or reject him. According to God, this choice alone will determine how we spend our ’time’ when the confines of it have been removed… eternity… forever… now that’s a long time.

John 3:36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on him.

John 14:21 Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Better Question…

Some would ask… why?

If God is so good, why did he create us with so many faults, problems… even downright evil?

When I think it through, I have to ask what if… what if he created us with the inability to choose right from wrong… good from bad? If we could only make right decisions, would we be what we are? Wouldn’t we be more like puppets on a string? Or robots programmed to do just what our creator wanted? Or would he be like a bad parent, making every decision and controlling us to the point that we never find out who we really are? If that were the case, would we ever know love, joy and peace without hate, sorrow and turmoil? Would we know what it’s like to be free? When I really consider it, I think of a better question.

A better question would be… why?

Why did he give us a choice… and what shows greater love?

Monday, March 3, 2008

All that remains

Dreamy, impractical
Naïve, inexperienced, untested
Always wishing for more


Durable, resilient
Honest, trustworthy, enduring
Ready and willing to sacrifice


Flirtatious, exciting
Generous, hopeful, refined
Given for the other


Solid, reliable
Lasting, genuine, stable
Faithful through it all
